
Public And Patient Involvement

PARADISE has the potential to improve the quality of life of many patients with AAV.

A team of patient and public participants (PPI) will take part in PARADISE, representing diverse backgrounds (in terms of sex, age, educational attainment, familiarity with technology, urban/rural dwelling). Additional training, advice and template documentation resources are available from Ireland’s national public-and-patient-involvement (PPI) network, PPI Ignite (ppinetwork.ie).

In PARADISE, the PPI Roles include: 

Patient experience in PARADISE will feed back into RIPAG and ERN RITAinforming policy at the EU level in a manner similar to recent policy initiatives in new-born screening programmes, through our hands-on experience of technology-enabled personalised medicine.

What is PPI? What does the PPI Group do?


Meet our PAG members !

Do you have any question or would you like to get involved with the PPI?

Contact the Public and Patient Involvement Group

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